Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Aprendiendo SEO en IEBS School

¡Hola! ¡Cuánto tiempo!

Hace un tiempo que no escribo mis experiencias y concretamente desde que volví de Canadá en el año 2007.

Para los que no me conocéis podéis ver mi perfil profesional en el área de marketing y comercial, aquí os dejo más información como Marketing Manager

Durante todo este tiempo he vivido nuevas experiencias, diferentes trabajos, vida y ahora me encuentro cursando un Executive Master en Analítica Web, Marketing Digital y UX en IEBS School.
Estoy encantada con todo lo que estoy aprendiendo y me parece increíble volver a escribir en mi antiguo blog.

Seguiremos comunicando muy prontito,
Besos M

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Canadian leaves

Hello everybody!

Last Sunday we spent the afternoon collecting leaves from the garden. We didn't need to go to the gym because we make a lot of exercice sweeping and collecting.Up and down!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thanksgiving Day 2007

what a great experience!!!!!!!
on monday I have my first Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Thanks to Debra and Debra's mom.
Excellent; Turkey, cranberry sauce, mash potatoes...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Calgary Flames Vs Vancouver Chanuts


Last Friday we spend a great time in the Hockey game "Calgary Flames Vs Vancouver Chanuts" at the Stampede Arena.

Have a look to this video and explain what do you think about?

How was the first week in Calgary?

The first week in a new city could be a little bit strange: no friends, speak another language, meet new people, learn about new city's!

But that will be a succesful English training

Here some pictures about me around Calgary



Sunday, September 30, 2007


Hello people! is Sunday night and i'm still doing homeworks in the university